Riding Blog

This weblog at mikeuhl.com is the personal web site of Michael "Mike" Uhl. Entries to this weblog and web site represent my personal opinions. The site is not owned, operated, or affiliated with my employer or any organizations other than those owned and operated by Mike Uhl.

Photo (right): That's Lisa and me stopped along US 550, "The Million Dollar Highway," in southwest Colorado on our way north into Silverton, July 2017. 

Entries are copyright (c) Michael A. Uhl, as of date of posting.

You are welcome and encouraged to participate in the discussion on this site. Comments are owned by the poster. I reserve the right to remove any irrelevant, inflammatory, or otherwise inappropriate comments. Questions may be directed to me using the "Post a Comment" feature available on every blog page.

FYI: I ride a 2015 Harley-Davidson FLHTK Ultra Limited Special Edition.

Thank you and please enjoy my site!

Entries in YouTube (1)


Maintaining on your own bike

You've probably heard the old adage, "It's hard to find good help these days." Well, it's especially hard to find competent, reliable motorcycle mechanics, or "technicians" as some of them liked to be called. And it's not just a matter of cost or convenience; it's one of safety as well. Doing the work yourself can improve your chances of getting the work done properly and enhancing your safety on the bike. (Of course, if you have no clue what you're doing and attempt to go it alone on the brakes, front end, etc. you could end up killing yourself.) Here is a strategy for learning the basics of maintaining your bike. Follow these steps in the order listed:

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